Get Closer to Your Roots
Latino culture in the heart of East Boston!
Discover, connect, celebrate!
A safe space where families and individuals of all identities interested in fostering, sharing, and celebrating Latino cultures can come together to create collective memories that will last and impact a lifetime.

VROCC is located in Boston, Massachusetts, on a National Register for Historic Buildings; the first library branch in the United States opened in the heart of East Boston in 1870.

VROCC has achieved the Platinum Seal of Transparency Rating on Candid.
VROCC addresses the social, economic, cultural, and artistic needs of East Boston, a predominantly Spanish-speaking neighborhood with nearly 50,000 residents and the highest foreign-born population in the city (57%). Our programs include Dance, Music, Folk Arts, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship, as well as initiatives that support the health and well-being of our community.
Events Calendar

Festival Viva Chile
Le invitamos a vivir una experiencia cultural única en ‘Viva Chile Boston’. Disfrute de un espectáculo con música, danza y comida tradicional chilena el sábado 5 de abril a las 5:30 PM en 282 Meridian St., East Boston. Donación sugerida: $5

Workshop Gratuito Scaling Up:Estrategias de crecimiento para emprendedores
Aprende a escalar negocios y maximiza el crecimiento de pequeñas empresas con Oscar Escobar. Evento gratuito el 21 de marzo en East Boston. Estrategias para emprendedores y oportunidades de networking.
📅 Jueves, 21 de marzo
⏰ 6:00 PM
📍 255 Border St., East Boston (VROCC)

Zumbaton & bingo
Celebremos el día de la mujer el sábado 8 con Zumba y Bingo 🥰
Este 8 de marzo, Día Internacional de la Mujer, te invitamos a un evento especial donde la diversión se une a una noble causa.
📌Fecha: Sábado 8 de marzo
🕣 Hora: 5:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
📍Lugar: VROCC – 282 Meridian St. (Entrada por el callejón)
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